Today I consumed the nutrients from:
+ 4 larges leaves kale
+ 5 leaves escarole
+ 4 apples
+ 9 strawberries
+ 20 midnight beauty grapes
+ 2 peaches
+ 1/2 c. blueberries
You're probably all saying, "whoa! what's with the fruit, Jaida? Do you think you got enough?" I know, I know, but it all started this morning. Ryan had the brilliant idea to drink 3 kale leaves first and then make a fruit juice. As you may have noticed in one of my previous posts, I said that sometimes taking a shot of green first was better. Well, apparently that only applies to spinach, because I could only gulp down one shot of the kale. Ryan was laughing so hard at my face when I tried to drink it. I seriously thought it was going to come back up. After I took the first swallow, I was like, "water! water!" like I was being tortured. Heaven forbid I ever end up behind enemy lines, because I will definately be the first to spill the beans. They'll just have to say, "we'll make you drink kale juice" (in a very menacing tone, of course). "Nooooooooooo, not kale juice, PLEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE" [end fictional story here].

Hahaha gross. This was such a funny story to start my day. Thanks sister!
I'm glad my story of revulsion put a smile on your face. It's nice to know at least one person is reading my blog on a regular basis.
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